Another grey day with low cloud settling on the small hills.

The flower from the Flamboyant tree.

This bush is called Pride of de Cape. Most plants which have these kidney or heart shaped leaves turn to follow the sun.

Ah!! Bugs!! LOL!! This little beetle is tiny, about the size of a 1 cent piece.

He shall have to remain nameless as I cannot find him in any of my books or other sources.
After chasing this butterfly for about 20 minutes I managed to get this one (not so good) picture of it before it was gone. It did not settle for long anywhere and was most unco-operative. I cannot find him anywhere either. I find it quite strange as he has a most unusual body too.

A beautiful moth lies hidden amongst the fallen leaves, so quiet and still, you hardly even notice he is there.

We only have two types of squirrel here, the Ground Squirrel and the Tree Squirrel. The Ground one likes arid areas and is not found in the Park.

They are small and cute and are having a feast on all the new buds and things, with time for grooming thrown in as well.
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