One of our workers brought me this baby Bronze Mannikin. It had flown into the kitchen and was trying to get out but they know by now I first want pictures of everything.

They are very small, about the size of finches. It has two patches of bronze on its wings as can be seen in the picture below and if you enlarge the bottom one, its head has the same color when the sun catches it.

They are usually found in pairs or as a family group but can flock together. They come easily to feeders with wild birdseed in them but also eat insects and grren algae material.

This poor little thing was so scared, I could feel its little heat pumping in my hand and let him go as soon as I could. Generally they are very difficult to get pictures of without a long lens as they fly off as soon as you come near so I was very pleased to have this opportunity to get pictures.
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